Tag: Self-prioritization effect

  • Users may more clearly perceive the numbers associated with themselves

    In a study conducted in 2023, researchers investigated how individuals process stimuli associated with themselves versus strangers, particularly focusing on number symbols. In the primary task, 123 participants had to recognize numbers that was initially assigned to themselves or to strangers. The analytical approach involved comparing mean reaction times for different associations. Confounders like age and vision were controled. Among other hypothesis, the primary hypothesis which posited that numbers that was initially assigned to the self would be more quickly recognized, was supported by the results with a large (p. 1524) effect size. This overview provides a concise synthesis of the most relevant results. For more details, please refer to the article page.

    It is likely that numbers somehow associated with a user will be more salient for that user.

    Keil, J., Barutchu, A., Desebrock, C., & Spence, C. (2023). More of me: Self-prioritization of numeric stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(12), 1518–1533. https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0001165

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  • Users may better perceive shapes that are associated with themselves

    In a study conducted in 2012, researchers investigated the way individuals perceive and recognize shapes associated with themselves, others, or neutral words.. In the primary task, 18 participants had to label different shapes as themselves, or a friend or a stranger, and later recognize if shapes and labels were correctly displayed. The analytical approach involved comparing mean reaction times for each matching judgement with ANOVAs. Confounders like right-handed and vision were controled. Among other hypothesis, the primary hypothesis which posited that shape recognition would be faster with prior self-association (experiment 1), was supported by the results with a large (p. 1107) effect size. This overview provides a concise synthesis of the most relevant results. For more details, please refer to the article page.

    It is likely that using a specific shape as visual coding to represent the user will enhance the perception of that shape.

    Sui, J., He, X., & Humphreys, G. W. (2012). Perceptual effects of social salience: Evidence from self-prioritization effects on perceptual matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(5), 1105–1117. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0029792

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  • Users may prefer to identify themselves with symmetrical shapes

    In a study conducted in 2022, researchers investigated the link between symmetry and self-identification. In the primary task, 30 participants had to indicate whether a randomly generated, symmetrical or asymmetrical shape correctly matched the previously defined “YOU” or “STRANGER” label. The analytical approach involved comparing reaction times with a paired-sample one-tailed t-test, and ANOVAs for comparing between experimental conditions. Confounders like distance from the screen, background color were controled. Among other hypothesis, the primary hypothesis which posited that the shapes associated with the participants would be recognized more quickly when they were symmetrical, was supported by the results with a large (p. 10) effect size. This overview provides a concise synthesis of the most relevant results. For more details, please refer to the article page.

    To virtually represent a user, use symmetrical shapes, and leave asymmetrical shapes to others, to reinforce positive affects.

    Vicovaro, M., Dalmaso, M., & Bertamini, M. (2022). Towards the boundaries of self-prioritization: Associating the self with asymmetric shapes disrupts the self-prioritization effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48(9), 972–986. https://doi.org/10.1037/xhp0001036

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